head instructor
Mark Ganaden has over 15 years experience in teaching Personal Safety & Self Defence workshops throughout the UK, South Africa and India.
Mark’s teaching experiences have allowed him to work closely with a number of community groups, schools and corporate clients.
At 16 years of age Mark had a life changing physical encounter with a local gang, Mark was attacked and left traumatised despite being a long time practitioner of Martial Arts.
It was this very experience that paved the way for Mark’s journey into effective Self Protection training.
Through Mark’s research and personal development he went on to become a senior instructor of Premier Self Defence under the mentorship of Debi Steven.
Mark also assisted Debi in the early stages of establishing the charity: Action Breaks Silence, a charity devoted to world wide reduction of gender based violence. Mark also helped to train 20 youths in South Africa to become Personal Safety instructors to help empower communities in Soweto and surrounding areas.
Throughout the last 10 years Mark has led workshops at AMEX, EXXON Oil, Lego, BP, Kew Gardens and the National Archives. Prior to the pandemic Mark was delivering workshops at the Historic Royal Palaces: Kensington Palace, Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London
"Effective Self Defence skills are more than just techniques or skills used for confrontations, rather through constant environmental awareness and by taking precautions on a consistent basis we can all create an enriched life free from fear."
"I feel fortunate to have been part of many people’s journey of empowerment through their training in Self Defence.
Nothing fills me more with gratitude and fulfilment than to be a facilitator for helping others to overcome fears associated with crime, violence and abuse.
Watching people go through their personal transformation is truly a very humbling experience!" - Mark
Warrior Self Defence Head Instructor
Close Quarter Battle (CQB) Hard skills instructor certified by Dennis Martin.
VIP Private Security Operative
Personal Trainer REPS L3